We love our Android peeps

Some of our long time Androids users have had trouble with the following iSpy features that have changed over time as Android has adjusted what we had access to.

Notification Channels
If your CAD notifications are coming in through a notification channel called "Miscellaneous" follow these steps.

  1. In Android settings to go Apps, then iSpyFire, then notifications.
  2. Scroll down to “Manage notification categories for each app”.
    • If you don't have this options but do have an Advanced Settings option under the notification category, look for “Manage notification categories for each app” in Advanced Settings.
  3. Enable “Manage notification categories for each app”.
Custom Notification Sounds
To set custom notification sounds on Android follow these steps.

  1. In Android settings to go Apps, then iSpyFire, then notifications.
  2. Select the notification channel you want to set a sound for.
    • You can select iSpyFire supplied sounds or system sounds.
    • If you don't see any iSpyFire supplied sounds they can be downloaded from our website here.
    • If you would like a more step by step approach to setting sounds, see our support entry here.